Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Pinterest Repin Bot | NEW Version | Full Version

Pinterest is an rising social media just like, Facebook and Twitter
. Pinterest has an Amazing! report, the are having more than 4 Million Sites which are using Pinterest Plugins! and everyday, 2000+ of sites are getting Pinterest for more Promotions of their site.
 At this rate of growing members and sites, Pinterest is going become popular as facebook, twiiter, myspace..etc, in a very short period of time!.

So, a member from our team
has found an exploit in their site, we thought about reporting that to Pinterest, but we decided that we will help the other peoples through it, without reporting the exploit.. So, here's a bot made by me and our team, its a Pinterest bot, and it can get you upto, 5000+ Pins to your site per day!

..::: Tutorial :::..

..::: Features :::..

More than you expect, just find out! And get Amazed!!